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Creataverse is currently in extreme beta stages which is why it needs beta testers. If you're approved to be a beta tester you will get perks like getting the full game for free once it is released, getting some special items and dlc, and being able to help in the development of this game to mold it into perfection. There are a few requirements for a beta tester though, firstly you must test each demo that I release within a few days or else the reward will not be rewarded, you must know a little bit about Minecraft and actually enjoy it since that is what I'm basing this game off of, and you must give detailed feedback. To sign up for beta testing, simply scroll down below to the contact tab and fill it out, the best way to fill out your credentials would be 

  • Name

  • Email

  • Make the subject something about wanting to join the Creataverse beta testing team

  • In the message say why you would be qualified to be a beta tester and give a few extra credentials to prove your legitimacy. 


When and if you contact me please include what you are contacting me about in the subject. For example if you have a recommendation for Basketball Hero VR then please put something like "I have a recommendation for basketball hero vr". I will hopefully respond within a week or so of your email depending on how busy I am and if I don't then please nudge me with another reply to that email or something like that.





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