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Where the games are made


About Calebula Studios

This is a Indie game company run by one person... me! I am currently developing games for mobile and pc but will hopefully have some games on console too! My main game is Basketball Hero VR. It is a vr basketball game with a twist. It has 4 different maps, timed tests, you can choose the song genre you want to listen to, and much more! My games are currently limited to the HTC Vive and normal gameplay due to me not owning an Oculus Rift or Windows Mixed Reality. I have also made 4 Flappy Bird knockoffs (3 of which are on the Google Play Store). They are Shooty Rocket, Money Money Money, and Floaty Ghost. They are available on my website but will hopefully one day be on steam ass one big package.

Latest news

  • Basketball Hero VR's latest update is almost completely released.

  • Creataverse is now in development and will hopefully have the first demo released later on this month!


When and if you contact me please include what you are contacting me about in the subject. For example if you have a recommendation for Basketball Hero VR then please put something like "I have a recommendation for basketball hero vr". I will hopefully respond within a week or so of your email depending on how busy I am and if I don't then please nudge me with another reply to that email or something like that.





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